Stepping Stone Housing, Inc.
Permanent Yard Sale

Our Six Bay Garage at 53 Biscay Road
Since the fall of 2020 Stepping Stone Housing has been accepting donations of furniture and many different household goods. We sell most of the donations to raise funds for our program and it has been very successful. In addition, we partner with local agencies and social workers to donate back items we receive to people in need. We have donated many items because of this active collaboration and network.
Our volunteer leader for this program is Karen Bachelder. She can be contacted at 207-380-7058 or at karen@bacheldercpa.com. Since we are a volunteer/board driven organization we can no longer pick up items or clean out whole houses for free. However, you can deliver items at our six-bay garage at 53 Biscay Road, Damariscotta at any time.
Here is a list of items we gratefully accept:
Solid, clean furniture;
Working Appliances;
Building Materials, Hardware and Tools;
Kitchen Gadgets;
Power Equipment - only if working;
Camping Gear;
Bed Frames, Box Springs, and Mattresses - only if clean and unstained;
Home Décor and Art
Please DO NOT leave us the following items as we cannot sell them and must pay to dispose of them:
Electronics including computers, monitors and printers. TV’s, stereo equipment, etc;
Tires or auto batteries;
Exercise equipment;
Pianos or organs;
Broken and/or stained items including furniture.